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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
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KleeneCaro Offline


Beiträge: 13.441

04.02.2007 19:58
8.Staffel Zitat · Antworten

Habe mal ein Interview gesucht , wo es um die 8.Staffel geht.

hier das interview:

If you're a big fan of "Gilmore Girls," then you're probably going to be really bummed to know that this could be the last season of The CW's hit show. As of now, it is unclear as to what's going to take place, but while promoting her new film, Because I Said So, Lauren Graham talked to exclusively about the future of the seven-year series.

"I don't know [if this will be the last season] because it has been expressed to me that they would like another season, but then there's nothing that's happened toward that. I'm not sure. I don't know what would make my decision clearer," Graham told us. "There's so many elements and I'm not sure where to get started. I mean if I was 100% convinced that I would like to do another season I guess I could say that, but I don't know if I feel that way. I think Alexis [Bledel] feels mixed as well."

What is clear, is that Graham is ready for other projects and a lighter schedule.

"It's just such a strange thing because there's so few times as an actor where you have structure and a job that you can feel proud of. There's plenty of reasons to continue and I guess it's kind of a luxury problem, but it is a very difficult schedule and I'd almost rather do something where I'm not the lead. It becomes a life issue a little bit," she confessed.

"You feel bad as an actor thinking about your life when there are so many unemployed actors are out there. It's like you're life, who cares. You have a job. It's a struggle. It's a hard thing to know what the right thing to do is. This has been an exceptionally difficult experience. Most one hour shows are more ensemble. You don't work quite so much. For years and years and years of this, it takes a toll. It's fun to think about other projects and other things that could happen, but you don't know. It's just a really strange time and I'm not sure what will make it clearer."

So what about us dedicated fans and will we be satisfied with the way the show could wrap up this year?

"I don't know. I think in general when someone is a fan of something they kind of want it to continue. We seem to have a really core group of loyal fans which is just interesting to me. Even when 'American Idol' is on, our numbers are still about the same. So that means people really stick with the show and I do feel a responsibility to that. Was anyone happy with the end of 'Sex and the City'? I would rather leave people feeling like 'I wish that they would have continued' than leave people feeling like, 'wow they really did it beyond when the time was.'"

If this is the season finale, Graham said she'd be alright with where the story ends.

"If you took all the other elements away like money and job security and stuff like that, Alexis' character is about to graduate from college. That to me seems to be the place to end it because then what? Then she moves back to town. That seems perfect, you know. It makes sense and that would be an event and then you sort of see that character goes off and does whatever she's going to do. I don't know. It's very weird."


- Lauren weiß nicht ob es die letzte Season sein wird... es wurde bereits vor einer weile gesagt das interesse an einer 8 staffel besteht, aber es wurde in der hinsicht noch keineswegs was unternommen
- Lauren wollte eigentlich immer noch eine 8 season machen. aber derzeit hat sie ziemlich gemischte gefühle was das alles angeht. da sind so viele sachen die berücksichtigt werden müssen und sie weiß nicht wirklich wo sie anfangen soll... auch wenn es für Lauren viele gründe gibt um weiter zu machen.
- und auch Alexis scheint dieses gefühlschaos zu haben

KleeneCaro Offline


Beiträge: 13.441

21.03.2007 18:58
#2 RE: 8.Staffel Zitat · Antworten

Was sagt ihr soll es noch eine 8.Staffel geben ?
Also ich habe mir ja schon die Spoiler der 7. Staffel durchgelesen und bin nicht so begeistert.

Siri Offline

Beiträge: 3.363

21.03.2007 19:22
#3 RE: 8.Staffel Zitat · Antworten

Das ist wieder so ein Chaos, da will man oder vielleicht doch nicht und dann beschließen sie, wie bei Everwood, doch die Sendung zu beenden und dann gibts wieder keinen richtigen Schluß, oder einen hingeschmierten Schluß, den keiner befriedigt oder einen offenen Schluß, sollte man nach 10 Jahren doch noch eine Staffel machen.Ich mag das nicht, ich will sehen, das Luke und Lorelai heiraten und ich will sehen, das sie ein Baby bekommen, und wenn das auf der Welt ist, können sie die Serie von mir aus beenden.

Jana Offline


Beiträge: 29.027

21.03.2007 19:30
#4 RE: 8.Staffel Zitat · Antworten

, obwohl ich noch nicht an ein Baby gedacht hatte .

KleeneCaro Offline


Beiträge: 13.441

21.03.2007 19:37
#5 RE: 8.Staffel Zitat · Antworten

Naja ich weiß ja schon einiges durch die Spoiler aber ich frag mich was sie dann noch in der 8.Staffel zeigen wollen , weil ja schon sehr viel in der 7. passiert.

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